Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pandoras Promise

This blog is about the documentary called '' Pandora's Promise". It is about nuclear energy. The belief is that it could possibly save the earth from global warming. The energy that it provides could bring many, many people out of poverty; especially in developing countries. The documentary interviews scientists who have gone from extremely anti- nuclear to pro-nuclear. It also looks at peoples fears and concerns with the use of nuclear energy. The documentary itself is looked at as very controversial. Many people feel that our world should stay away from nuclear power because if it is used more the access to it will increase. This could create a rise in nuclear weapon activity.

        Many people feel that the nuclear industry is a killer industry. All that come out of it are killing utensils, bombs for example. This is what a protest is saying at the start of the film. They feel that we have so many other options like solar, wind, geothermal etc.. nuclear simply isn't a necessity.No other energy source leaves a visible presence that can be deadly. It makes sense why people are frightened.  It then switches to the people who were anti and have now switched to pro. At first they felt the same as the protesters. They would be in a panic mode just talking about nuclear power plants. It was not until they studied what it is really all about that they switched their stance. Two scientists who are pro nuclear went to Fukushima in Japan to see what really went on there. Many know about the disaster there where the plant was pretty much destroyed due to an earthquake and tsunami. After going there one of the scientists says that he is not sure if he will be pro nuclear by the end of the trip. Seeing the devastation really surprised and terrorized him. What helps put nuclear energy in a negative light, is that it originated for the purpose of making the atomic bomb during WWII. Right away people think of bombs and devastation, when associated with nuclear power. People think of it mostly as a weapon rather than an energy source. People living in the 50s had nightmares of their towns being blown up. That generation wants nothing to do with anything nuclear. Cartoons like "The Simpsons" showed the evil or danger stenotype of nuclear energy by making the evil character the owner of a nuclear power plant. Radioactivity can be a cause of cancer, which is probably the number one fear. There are many people however, that do believe that nuclear energy is the best solution.

Len Koch is a pioneering nuclear engineer. He talks about how when he worked for the nuclear business it was brand new. Nuclear energy was just starting to be discussed as a possibility. This was in the 1940s. He learned that one pound of uranium, which is the size of a fingertip, its energy is equivalent to 5,000 barrels of oil. That is pretty amazing. It is a clean source of energy. It really has nothing to do with weapons. The problem is getting society to believe and understand that. Richard Rhodes, a science and activism journalist was extremely anti-nuclear like many of his fellow journalists. It was not until he talked to the experts in the field that he understood what they were really doing and changed his outlook. He then understood that nuclear energy is not what the activists think it is. There was a movie called the "China Syndrome", which said that if the core was exposed for any reason the plant would melt and create a whole from the U.S through to China. It would essentially be an apocalyptic event. One issue with this theory is that china is on the other side of the world and the whole would not even get there. It was not a logical or plausible theory. People didn't realize how power plants really worked. Whether people like it or not nuclear most likely is going to be a part of the global warming efforts because it does not produce CO2. Civilizations without a normal amount of electricity have a lower life span. It is needed for cooking and bathing and keeping things fresh. Energy always has to be there and in a strong way. That is why other alternatives of production are necessary. If poor countries become wealthier more energy will be needed. There has not been a death resulting from commercial nuclear reactors in the United States. Tritium is being released from the plants. Eating one banana however, will give more radiation than drinking all the tritium water that may come from the plants in one day. Tritium is natural occurring hydrogen isotope.

The myths are what creates the most issues. The biggest argument is that the united nations covered up Chernobyl. They say that a million people were effected and died due to this event. They say that all of the world health corporation and united nations and many more health corporations created the biggest cover up. The document released says that 4.000 were effected. For people to believe that this cover up took place is pretty unrealistic. The reason is because it would have taken several groups and organizations to agree on this cover up and plan it. It is pretty impossible and the film says "ridiculous".
At the end of the day it really is a back and forth battle. I do not know if nuclear energy will ever be our main source but I will not pick a side until I feel I know a good amount about both sides.

1 comment:

  1. Kimberly I really enjoyed reading your blog. I liked how you started your blog by saying many people feel that the nuclear industry is a killer industry, and what really interests me is that how people were anti and they are pro!!
