Wednesday, October 23, 2013

MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory

This week the class visited the Nuclear Reactor created by MIT. It is a research reactor. This means that it is used simply for experimental reasons. If it was working reactor it would be used to power buildings and homes. We were given a lecture first, to explain what we were about to see. It was interesting to learn about why they reactor is in use.

       The reactor is a cooling reactor used with light water. The reactor is a research reactor made up of light and heavy water. The light water runs through the core and tank the reactor. Light water is compared to the water we use in everyday life. The heavy water is on the bottom, or the core, and I used as a reflector. They put a thick layer of concrete around the core that's a barrier around the heavy water. They use stainless steel and aluminum. The issue is that if there were to be some sort of natural disaster that could bump up the heat in the room it can cause the reactor to melt letting out the radiation which is very dangerous for the staff and the public. They have been working hard at MIT to find a new material that can withstand higher temperatures than steel. There is one material in the process of being made but it will take a lot of testing and finding enough of the material to build a reactor. However, steps are being made.
       When the reactor was first being used for testing and experiments, studies were being worked on to see if the reactor could help with cancer somehow. The scientists came up with Boron neutron capture therapy. This is when a non radioactive isotope is injected into the cancer patient that Is supposed to locate the tumor. This isotope it supposed to capture neurons. Then the patient goes through radiation with neutrons which is supposed to destroy the damaged tissue and keep the healthy tissue untouched. It was targeted for brain cancer patients. The problem was that in the process of killing the bad tissue it would also kill some of the healthy tissue. This eventually shut down. So far there hasn't been too many developments in this study. The tour guide said that there hasn't been a doctor doing medical studies at the lab for years.
         It is used to train people on how a reactor works, if they are going to work at a plant. It is used for many testing's and experiments. It has been used for medical studies having to do with different types of radiation therapy. They also use it for fission engineering. I enjoyed going through the lab and getting a real perspective on all that goes on in the lab. The room that was very interesting was the control room. Everything is set at specific levels and cannot be changed. I wondered what it would take to know what level it needed to be. It showed me how smart these scientists and workers really are. It seemed like a complicated process. The security of the reactor was very interesting. Someone physically has to sit and watch a couple screens of security throughout the day and make sure there is not a problem. This could be long and tiring. The man that runs the control room told us that he brings projects and work with him to keep busy so that sleep isn't a thought. If no one were to keep an eye on the reactor and there was an issue it would be detrimental to everyone inside and the public.
       I really enjoyed the tour and was fascinated by almost everything. It was out of my comfort zone, so it was difficult to understand some things but I tried my best to.

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