Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Robot Experiment

       This was such a fun project for me to do. I have always enjoyed building and creating things. I felt like a child again building something with the leggos. I did however learn a lot in the process. I had to pay attention to the instruction photograph and follow along attentively. If one piece was out of place then the whole car would not work right. Once it was completed the next step was to get the motor to work. It felt amazing plugging in this little device and watching it move. The fact that I could say I helped create that was great !
      The part that was a bit more challenging was the analysis. We had to choose three different powers. Me and my partner chose 75, 60, and 25. The first thing we had to figure out was the circumference of wheel. This was pretty simple, all we had to do was measure the wheel and multiply that by 3.14.  After this step it was time to figure out the distance's. We had trouble keeping the car straight. I believe that this is what created higher numbers than what the computer got. Once the distances were all figured out it was time to get the percent error. We then had to subtract the distance we got with the one from the computer, divide by the average of the two numbers and multiply by 100. Believe it or not our best percent was 24% and our worst was 63%. How did we get such high percent's !? I believe that it had to do with the way we were measuring, and the path of the car. If it stayed straight and did not curve we would have had an easier time measuring. As for the measuring, I think that we started at the edge of the table and the car was not completely on the edge. This may have been where the error came to play. Overall, it was a fun experiment and I enjoyed working on it.


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